The weldability P91 steel depends upon suitable heat treatment and welding procedures. With respect to varying heat treatment temperature regimes the nature of precipitation strengthening and mechanical properties of P91 ...
The design of the mechanical housings involves trade-off between the electrical, mechanical, and
environmental requirements of the mission for the electronic subsystem of spacecraft. The
function of mechanical housings ...
This report deals with the dynamic analysis of rail-wheel interaction. The model has been developed for dynamic analysis of freight railway wagon. A solid model has been developed using solid works on the basis of standard ...
The construction industry is an important indicator of development. It creates investment opportunities for various related sectors. Government of India has launched “Prime Minster awash yojna”, according to which, every ...
This work deliberates the influence of ageing on Mechanical and Fatigue properties of
Aluminium alloy 2014T6. In addition, the influence of ageing on micro-structure is also
considered using Optical Microscopy, Scanning ...
In this exciting age, new materials with distinctive properties emerge and continue to pique the interest of the scientific community. Stiffness and strength are the important factors in determining stability and lifetime ...
Head injuries in car crashes, sport accidents, falls and military attacks can cause deaths and severe
neurological diseases. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is the main culprit for the fatalities and
abnormalities caused ...
Biological composites like nacre, teeth and bone achieve superior mechanical properties
through the staggered structure, which consists to hard phase in form of platelets embedded
in soft matrix. Although various studies ...
Elastomer based shock absorber is designed to absorb shock load due to pressure wave generated when there is underwater explosion near a naval vessel to save the sensitive articles stored in the naval vessel. Modeling an ...
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major health concern, conservative estimates indicate that nearly 1.6 million people suffer from TBI annually in India. Road traffic accidents and falls are identified as the leading causes ...
Mechanical and fatigue behavior of Al alloy has studied after cryorolling (CR) in this experimental project. The Al alloy is heated to temperature 540°C and hold approximately for two hours and quenched into water to form ...
Niobium (Nb), Zirconium (Zr) and Zr-Nb alloys are commonly used as the structural material in nuclear reactors. Niobium is a rare, soft, malleable, ductile, grey-white metal transition element. Due to superior creep ...
Soft dielectric elastomers are widely employed to build smart devices controlled by electrical
potential difference. They find applications in several fields of engineering, ranging
from mechanical to biomedical. Most ...
In today’s era, the healthcare supply chain, compared to the supply chain of other products, is amongst the most valuable and crucial supply chain. It has a direct effect on the quality of life of people, therefore, proper ...
The importance of preservation of perishable food products has been felt throughout the world with the rapid growth of world population and increase in all around demand for food products. In order to avoid the shortage ...
In order to enhance the performance of friction stir welding (FSW) tool materials for welding of hard alloys such as steel, development of new tool materials is necessary. The purpose of the present work is to prepare new ...
Numerical simulation is used to analyse complex flow of fluid in Francis turbine by using computational code. Numerical simulation is done at best efficiency point (BEP) to predict erosion rate, erosion region and comparison ...
Traditional methods of human thermal comfort analysis are based on the first law of thermodynamics. These methods use an energy balance of the human body to determine heat transfer between the body and its environment. By ...
The predicted end of an oil era, along with increasing concentration of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and dust particles causes pollution in our environmental system. This results in climate changes of earth leading to rapid ...
Numerical study of boiling has been performed around wire and also for internal annular flow inside a pipe in three-dimensional domain with the help of fixed mesh, incompressible, Volume of Fluid solver.
First, to understand ...