The switch mode DC-DC converters are widely used in modern electronic systems as
power supply because of their merits in terms of efficiency, compactness, light-weight, and
reliability. They have many applications such as computer power supplies, aerospace
instruments, medical instruments, telecommunication equipment, etc. The main feature of
any DC-DC converter is to provide the stable desired DC output voltage irrespective of
variations in the operating conditions such as input voltage, load current and reference
output voltage (set point voltage). Normally, the input voltage to DC-DC converters is
unregulated and the load current or set point voltage may also vary depending upon
application requirements. Therefore, an accurate and reliable operation of DC-DC converters
is essential under these circumstances. This has motivated to carry out this research work on
the design, analysis, modeling, and control of the DC-DC converters.
This thesis moves around the three important aspects of the DC-DC converters
namely design, modeling and control. The DC-DC converters have many non-isolated
topologies like buck converter, boost converter, buck-boost converter, Cuk converter, Zeta
converter, SEPIC converter, etc. In this thesis, two DC-DC converters, namely buck
converter and Cuk converter have been considered for the research on above-mentioned
aspects. The non-idealities of these converter elements are taken into consideration. These
non-idealities are present in form of equivalent series resistances (ESRs) of the inductors
and capacitors, the diode forward voltage drop and the on-resistances of the switch and
In the first part of the thesis, the different design issues of the non-ideal DC-DC buck
and Cuk converters are considered. The expressions of duty cycle, inductors, and capacitors
are improved involving the non-ideal parameters of the converters. A detailed analysis of the
output voltage ripple is carried out and importance of capacitor equivalent series resistance
(ESR) is analyzed. A formula for maximum permissible ESR for specified output voltage
ripple is proposed. The theoretical studies are validated via simulation and experimental
The second main aim of this thesis is to develop a mathematical model including all
non-ideal elements, such that the developed model will be a close-replica of the practical
converter in terms of dynamic and steady-state behaviour. The state-space averaging
technique, averaged switch model technique and energy factor approach are used to
develop the more accurate models of the non-ideal buck and Cuk converter. Further, the
mathematical models in ideal and non-ideal case are compared. It is found that the models
with non-idealities have much improved closeness to the practical converter as compared to
the ideal counterpart.
In the final part, the performance of DC-DC buck and Cuk converters are improved
using various controllers, namely the PI controller based on the stability boundary locus
approach, PI-lead controller, two-loop controller, sliding mode controller. The algorithms for
tuning the parameters of these controllers are proposed. The PI controller is also designed
based on the reduced-order model of Cuk converter. The model-order reduction technique is
used to obtain the reduced second-order model of the fourth-order Cuk converter. The
hardware prototypes of DC-DC buck converters are developed and these control techniques
are implemented on the prototypes. Extensive experimental and simulation studies are
carried out for both types of converters. The comparative analysis of these control
techniques is presented.