This World is facing the challenge of Energy crisis. At present, the
conventional energy sources are estimated to be a very small fraction of the
total inexhaustible renewable energy sources available all over the globe.
Moreover, increasing industrialization and growing energy needs are further
pressurizing the situation. Besides, the fossil fuel based energy supply is
deteriorating the environment, resulting in serious situation like global
warming, acid rain etc. The conventional energy resources have limited
supplies and after a certain definite time period, these would be exhausted
completely if the present rate of consumption continues.
The remote areas, which are away from national grid, are the worst
sufferer. As far situated isolated rural areas are rich with renewable energy
sources, but national grid supply cannot be extended to them due to high cost
of transmission line, heavy transmission, distribution losses and the poor
economic conditions of the inhabitants. Such areas have been considered for
energisation through decentralized power generation using renewable energy
sources like solar, wind, SHP, biomass etc. Such rural population normally
requires single-phase power supply to meet their energy needs. Their main
demands are for heating, lighting and other loads ofdaily uses.
These areas therefore need low cost, user friendly, echo friendly,
maintenance free technologies for tapping renewable energy sources
available in the area. The hydro resources available in remote areas
especially, hilly zones have been found to be a suitable option for supplying
power in decentralized mode.
The suitability of the use of an induction machine, as stand-alone
generator is emerging very fast for such conditions. Traditionally, the
synchronous generator is employed for all kind of energy generation starting
from a very small to very high range of modern power plants. In contrast, the
self-excited induction generator (SEIG) is being preferred for very small to
medium size power requirements. A small single-phase induction machine
can be used as a single-phase induction generator. But it is having certain
limitation such as these single-phase machines are readily available in the
market only up to a range of 2 kW. Over and above this range a single-phase
induction machine is found uncommon, bigger in size and hence costlier.
Moreover, single-phase induction machine is an unsymmetrical machine due
to which it results in problems like vibration, noise, torque pulsations etc.
during its operation. Therefore, a single-phase SEIG beyond 1kW rating,
using a single-phase machine does not appear to be feasible.
In literature, it is reported that a single phase, single winding, induction
machine used as SEIG has inferior performance compared to a specially
designed single-phase, two winding SEIG. The auxiliary and main winding are
excited by shunt and series capacitor across the load respectively. Though,
the two winding SEIG has been reported to give good performance, but, few
problems still existed such as higher voltage has been observed across its
auxiliary winding, which is about 1.5 times more than the rated voltage across
the load in the main winding. Another draw back of this single-phase, two
winding SEIG is, its operation, at very high speed (3000 rpm), which may
require high head or high-speed turbo engine as prime mover. This may
require gearbox, hence increases the cost of overall power generating
A three-phase induction machine, which is normally and easily
available in the market, has higher efficiency compared to an equivalent
single-phase induction machine is symmetrical in nature, inexpensive and can
be used as a single phase SEIG covering the range of output power of 1kW
and above. However, single-phase operation of a three-phase machine is a
case of extreme unbalance, resulting in the problems such as heating, less
power output, torque pulsation, stress on insulation, reduction in machine life,
vibration of shaft etc. Such shortcomings can be overcome by proper
selection of appropriate value capacitor to be placed for differently configured
winding arrangement like star or delta connections.
The star and delta connected machine as single-phase SEIG with
different configuration of capacitor placement have been analyzed. In order to
get the maximum satisfactory permissible output with the constraint that
winding currents are within the allowable limits, so as to restrict the
temperature rise of the machine.
The objective of the present work is to design and develop a singlephase
power source capable of generating power at the appropriate voltage
level suitable for home appliances. In order to achieve this objective the
steady state and transient performance of three-phase, star and delta
connected induction machines, operating as single-phase, self-excited
induction generator with safe permissible output and to study its performance
with a suitable induction generator controller as a single-phase isolated power
A 3-phase star connected machine as a single-phase SEIG has been
taken for studying optimum performance characteristics, such as maximum
power output, minimum unbalance etc. A parallel capacitor (Cp) is placed
across the load and two capacitors (Cs) are placed in series with the two other
phase windings. In order to derive a mathematical model, all phase voltages
are expressed as voltage drop across each phase impedance. The phase
voltages are transformed to positive and negative sequence components. The
same voltage equations are expressed in terms of sequence currents and the
machine sequence impedances. Further, above expressions of terminal
voltage have been used to derive impedance matrix related to positive and
negative sequence of stator current. The impedance matrix is used to derive
steady state equivalent circuit in terms of positive and negative sequence
impedance. The total impedance, as seen by positive sequence current, is
minimized for unknown magnetizing reactance and generated pu frequency
for the given load, speed and terminal capacitances. Ageneralized technique,
known as Sequential Unconstrained Minimization Technique (SUMT) along
with Rosenbrock's Method of rotating coordinates has been used to evaluate
critical parameter like magnetizing reactance and per unit frequency
necessary for determination of performance characteristic of the SEIG. The
steady state performance characteristics are simulated using this technique.
The experimental results are compared with simulated performance under
different operating conditions.
The performance characteristics of a typical 2.2 kW, 200 V, threephase,
star connected machine with Cs-Cp capacitor configuration has been
investigated. This machine generates single-phase power at phase voltage.
Subsequently, delta connected three-phase machine of 3.7 kW and 6 kW, 415
rating are also analyzed as star connected single-phase SEIG with Cs-Cp
capacitor configuration. With a 3.7 kW machine, it has been observed that
with series and parallel capacitor, it is not possible to obtain rated phase
voltage, particularly suitable for doemstic appliances, at no load for any
combination of Cs and Cp. It is also observed that the 3.7 kW machine
designed for motor operation has high value of leakage and magnetizing
reactance, so as to have low starting current and better power factor.
However, due to high leakage reactance, the same machine generates higher
voltage as a generator. The 6 kW machine appears to be a saturated
machine. The simulated results of 6 kW machine indicates that this machine
may be suitable for single-phase power generation at the level of phase
voltage (230 V).
3-phase induction machine beyond 3.7 kW (with 6 terminals) power
rating, are generally delta connected. The equivalent parameters of such
machines are different from the normal (high value of leakage and
magnetizing reactances) star connected machines. Therefore, it was felt
necessary to carry out the investigations on delta connected machines also
for single-phase power generation with the other possible excitation schemes.
The, two excitation schemes, for delta-connected machines for single-phase
power generation, one as C-2C and other as shunt (Csh) series (Cse) scheme,
have been explored,
In case of C-2C scheme, the value of C is obtained by optimizing
equivalent impedance so as to have phase balance for given load and speed.
In order to calculate the value of C, the steady state equivalent circuit of threephase
induction machine with C-2C scheme has been considered to compute
equivalent impedance at the machine terminals. This equivalent impedance is
derived from the inspection equation for voltage and current. The capacitor
current term, in voltage equation, are eliminated by expressing them in terms
of phase currents. Subsequently, the method of symmetrical components is
applied to express the load voltage and current in terms of positive and
negative sequence components. Zero sequence component is also eliminated
from the voltage equation. The equivalent impedance is taken as ratio of the
positive sequence voltage to positive sequence current. This equivalent
impedance is solved for unknown Xm and Ffor given value of load, speed and
capacitor using SUMT. In case of a three-phase machine working as singlephase
SEIG with C-2C scheme, it is possible to balance the winding current at
a given slip or for particular value of the load. With fixed value of capacitor,
phase winding currents are disturbed when machine is under varying load.
However, this configuration is suitable with load controller to operate it on a
constant output power.
A single-phase induction generator can be made self-regulated by
suitable combination of shunt and series capacitor. A capacitor in series with
load and shunt capacitor in lagging winding can be connected. The load
compensation and phase balancing effects are provided with series and shunt
capacitances, which enhances the better utilization capacity of the machine.
For the computation of optimum impedance of shunt series (CSh-Cse) scheme
steady state equivalent circuit diagram, the inspection equations are
established. The phase voltages are expressed in terms of phase currents
and admittances. With the help of symmetrical component theory, positive
and negative sequence voltage components are derived. The total generator
impedance, across the load terminals as expressed in terms of its
(generator's) positive, negative sequence impedances and shunt impedance
of capacitor. The closed loop impedance is derived by summation of load,
series capacitance and generator impedance. The total closed loop
impedance of the equivalent circuit is solved for two unknowns Xm and F
using SUMT algorithm as indicated above.
In order to show the effect of direction of rotation, the performance of
these two schemes has been investigated in two direction of rotation i.e. in a
reference direction and the direction in opposite to reference.
On the basis of survey carried out for harmonics during analysis of
SEIG, the harmonic patterns of studied schemes are reported.
Transient analysis is necessary to know the suitability of machine
winding, level of insulation, rating of capacitor and design of protection
system. The C-2C configuration has been investigated using d-q model in
stationary reference frame, including the effect of cross saturation. From the
circuit diagram of scheme, first the inspection equations are developed. The
phase voltages are represented by integrating the capacitor current terms.
Then, the capacitor currents are represented in terms of phase currents and
load current. These phase variables are finally transformed to d-q variables.
These d-q variables are further represented in terms of state vectors of
current. The state vector along with torque balance equation of mechanical
motion of the system are developed. The differential equations derived from
dynamic model are solved by fourth order Runga-Kutta method. The same
model is modified for reverse direction of rotation of prime mover. The rms
values of the variables as computed from the steady peak value obtained
from dynamic model are compared with the measured experimental data and
the values obtained from the steady state model are used to confirm the
validity of the dynamic model for both forward and reverse direction of rotation
of prime mover. On the basis of analysis carried out for dynamic behavior of
C-2C scheme, it is concluded that similar results can be obtained for shunt
series (CSh-Cse) scheme.
The suitability of self-excited induction generators for cost effective
harnessing of renewable energy resources is well established. But, these unit
result in poor voltage regulation while feeding frequency sensitive loads due
to the absence of regulated reactive VAR source. A load controller can be
used to overcome such problems.
An IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) based induction generator
controller has been developed on the technique of Mark-Space ratio control.
With this method, the amount of power to be dissipated in the ballast load is
controlled by varying the mark space ratio. The PWM (Pulse Width
Modulation) technique realized by analog circuit fabricated and tested using
various parts of controller like, voltage sensing circuit, power supply and
voltage reference circuits, triangular waveform generator, and IGBT gate-drive
circuits. The performance of the SEIG using C-2C scheme with load controller
under varying load conditions is studied. The voltage and current waveform of
the machine and load terminals are recorded for THD analysis.
A comprehensive steady state and dynamic analysis on three-phase
induction machines of different rating has been carried out to design a
suitable excitation scheme as single-phase SEIG supply for optimum power
generation. A load controller is developed for single-phase SEIG. The
performance of the generator with developed load controller has been
investigated for different type of loads such as resistive and dynamic type
(fan) load. The effect of direction of rotation of prime mover on SEIG
performance is also studied.