The technology of energy integration is an outstanding approach for reducing the
consumption of energy and increases the profit throughout the process. Due to continuous
increase in the cost of energy and depletion of conventional resources of energy also day by
day growing environmental problem there are strict need of to reduce the energy
consumption by improving the existing process. In refineries except the cost of crude, energy
took huge sum of money which can be modified if a better design being presented and has
therefore become our focus.
Lots of technique has been presented for the study of heat exchanger network problems like
tree searching, mixed integer non linear programming, genetic algorithm, graphical method.
Pinch technology also called graphical method. In all these method this work is limited to
pinch technology because it is the most notable method in all method due its easy technique
and robustness.
In pinch technology the physical properties are taken as constant but in reality physical
property especially heat capacity is a function of temperature which has significant effect on
the design of heat exchanger network. So to show the temperature dependency of streams
three problems have been taken and pinch technology has been applied. First two problems
are formulated problem and the third one is industrial problem of sponge iron industry. First
two problems have two hot and two cold streams while the problem 3 has four cold and four
hot streams. Energy, area, no. of unit, cost and super targeting have been performed first by
taking constant heat capacity and then by variation in heat capacity for all the three problems.
It has been seen that for the problem 1 when consider variation in physical property both
utility increases but area decreases, overall total annual cost increases. The same trend are
observe in problem 2 and problem 3, which shows that by considering the variation in CP
increases utility so it should be kept in mind while designing the heat exchanger network.
Also the final design of HEN is presented for all the three problems taken so