Campus development and building design comprises a very large proportion of wick of architects and pl ers.
This has been. true In the past decades and can be attri-
buted to the vast ten year increase in the volume. When
one examiri ss the Literature or the drawing documents
presently available, it is observed that most of it deal s
with the past design and planning procedures, but no docu-
ment plan depict the system of development with special
reference to housing for the campus in fixture.
This dissertation pr~ittax'y deals with the develop tent
plan, of University of Iborkee Carpus with special reference
to housing, and introduces a system wh.oh is new in form,
content and procedure. It refiects the tech iques, which
may not be termed as new, but certainly a boon to the old
cau uses, which are facing shortage of land and whereas
activities are .irLcreaUig.
The dissertatLon Is mainly in three pert ,# The first
de&l s 4th the r cbu. l i n.g, the dec Ined dress, Ld itii.re
rerl em l.ti s. The r.,'oon c1 deals with thG '+p ai sal of Present
ca llus and lastly tie m n, areas of development for hous-.
Ing end ph.a ne of thl: pl , but a coi:.lete d1 srorta` ion
coving the cn ti iie f~. e . d i s 'b o ud yho scope of any .ngl e
tnes 's, howrer tne author has rxdeavQuured to male this
work . comprehensive as possiblo in respect of hou ng develop-
The dev eLop MVr i s t x r e re e ssen 1 to i3e
ti a
.~ r ng of the 1 nxii g system, it the qualIty of
development plan is ir-po.rtant factor in, dotermtning
the success or f atluibe of the operation.
The author does not e.aim this to be cos. letely
original contribution in all its empassing and the ideas
presented can be regarded a n astlattan of data,,
supplemented by talks ,.th xrchtteets of the U.O.R.
Caxt us from ti,: e to timo, ,survey Md vi Lts to some
t)iversi uIe such as iiachal P rade; . Thtv'ersity, Lyn a,
Piin j abt University, P ati. a1 a and aut r' s involvemeit in
the p rep ar .tion of Interim deve-lopui t plan of U.P . •A,g ri
cultural Tn. e'er €. ty, P antri ag ar, 4th Mr. Uack Swing,
Mead of Vic. teettu,e Departmnt$ ,University of .11inoi s.
The author is indebted to those who have been
quoted in the dissertation, to terse who have contributor
ed to It in the 4 ay of ideas or information ad to those
from whom iliutrations have been obtained.
It Is further sincere. yr hoped that this dissertation
L11 provide a guide line for the arcidtects who are
Involved in the design of buildings in the Carpus and
over all to those, who are interested in the Campus