Computer Aided Architectural Design is very much in
its infancy in India. There is practically very little work
done in this field although interest in computing science.
and technology has been kindled to a remarkable extent. It
is high time architects came out of the rut
of time—
honored design methods - and took a fresh look at the world
around them.
I have chosen this area of spatial planning and
synthesis as this
forms the
essence of an architect's work.
Researchers and other interested professionals all over the
world are still . attempting to evolve a near perfect strategy
which would simulate the complex working mechanism of an
Architect's brain. Many researchers lave, in fact, lost
interest in this area, after a couple of decades of dedicated
work,, realizing that problems that require the synthesis of
many demands, mostly with subjective values, are best handled
by the human brain. Hero, then, lies the perfect challenge
of attempting to find a solution where none exists.
This dissertation is a humble endeavour towards
providing myself and others dedicated to this area of specialization, with a solid foundation for 'further research.