ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software encompasses applications and transactions, which governs the detailed interaction between the customer and the corporation. It covers the functions like Sales, Inventory management, and financial management. If all the modules are not computerized linked then sales transactions will not affect Inventory and Finance Module. This gives rise to an Inventory, which is not updated. And a non-updated inventory will result in failure of the system. As Purchase department will not be aware of when to purchase the material, which leads to shortage of material.[1]
So to overcome all the difficulties an integrated ERP Package is required. ERP package for an organization, such as ITDC, is the integration of sales, inventory and purchase modules. It consolidates all the software integrated into a simple system. The system envisages for computerization of sales of finished goods, purchase of material and keeping inventory updated.
This thesis aims to study the benefits gained by using ERP package and its implementation for an organization such as India Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC). ITDC is a government-controlled organization having shops and warehouses at 13 cities in India. Most of the shops are located at International Airports where imported and local items are sold through these shops. ERP for ITDC is an integrated package to computerize Sales, Purchase and material management. For instance, if a cash memo is generated in sales module, the inventory of the item gets automatically updated. End User of this product is the person at
- ITDC who -operates or interact directly with this ERP package. In future, data mining can be done on this package that will be useful to higher management for taking policy decisions.[2)