Computers and the networks that connect them are highly pervasive and have infiltrated almost every aspect of our daily lives. Technology, when it works, becomes transparent and invisible to the end-user. When technology doesn't work, or stops functioning, complaints and serious consequences are sure to follow.
Due to the move towards global open networks, with the number of hosts on the network in the hundreds of thousands, and the number of individual networks in the thousands, it is no longer possible to rely on a small group of network experts to solve management problems. What was required was a standardized protocol with far more functionality than ping and yet one that could be easily learned and used by a wide variety of people with network management responsibilities.
This project aims in simulating the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) which is a communication Protocol that has gained widespread acceptance and has become the defacto standard for intemetwork management. SNIVIP was developed by IETF(Intemet Engineering Task Force) and is applicable to any TCP/IP network, as well as other types of networks