In recent years, owing to the increased emphasis on renewable energy sources,
development of suitable isolated power generators driven by energy sources such as wind,
small hydro, biogas, etc. has assumed a great significance. With the renewed interest in
wind turbines and micro-hydro-generators as an alternative energy source, the squirrel
cage induction machine with capacitive self-excitation, known as self-excited induction
generators (SEIGs) are being considered as an alternative to the well-developed
synchronous generators. It is because of their lower unit cost, brushless rotor
construction, absence of separate dc excitation source, rugged and robust structure,
operational and maintenance ease, inherent protection against faults, good dynamic
response and more over off-the-self availability. The induction generator's ability to
generate power at varying speed facilitates its operation in various modes. These are as
self-excited stand-alone (isolated) mode to supply far-flung and remote areas; in parallel
with synchronous generator to fulfill the increased local power requirement and in gridconnected
mode to supplement the real power demand of the grid by integrating from
resources located at different sites.
In spite of SEIG having a number of advantages, it suffers from inherent poor
voltage regulation, which is the result of gap between VARs supplied byshunt capacitors
and VARs demanded by the load and machine. Furthermore, when the active power
demand of the load is higher than the input rotor mechanical power, the load voltage
collapses. These performance constraints of capacitively compensated induction
generators limit their wide spread application, especially in situations where regulated
load voltage and frequency are required.
Remedial measures such as the use of static reactive power generators and other
power electronics based voltage regulating devices are costly and involve complicated
control circuitry. Their operation causes switching harmonics and transients, thus
discounts the very advantages of induction generator over synchronous generator for
isolated applications. Therefore, the necessity of performance improvement at machine
level is one of the prime aspects, which has diverted the research trend towards the multi
phase (phases in excess or three) machines.
Electric power systems have largely developed as three-phase systems both for
historical reasons (because the public electric supply is either three-phase or single-phase)
utility and for reasons of economy (because standard components may hopefully be
used). With the growth of increasingly sophisticated design methods and increased
importance of economic, environmental and several other factors, the multi-phase
systems are being considered as one of the potential alternatives to conventional threephase
system. In a multi-phase induction machine (comprising of more than the
conventional three phases), it is possible to have a significant improvement in system
performance with appropriate winding displacements. Double three-phase induction
machine is the most representative one of multi-phase machine. It has two sets of threephase
stator windings, which have 30° electrical angle in the space and the isolation in
midpoint. This structure can eliminate the torque ripple of six harmonic existing in
electromagnetic torque; it eliminates the 6K ± 1 (K = 1, 3, 5...) harmonic existing in the
air-gap flux linkage simultaneity. The technology ofmulti-phase induction machine, once
developed to the stage of practical application, has many advantages to offer over
conventional systems.
Exhaustive literature surveys on multi-phase machine reports a large quantum of
research activity are on the way expanding its universe for drive and control purposes.
Improved reliability, magnetic flux harmonic reduction, torque pulsations minimization
are the certain advantages due to which six-phase induction motors are beginning to be a
widely acceptable alternative in high power applications. A distinct advantage of such
machines is the absence of certain lower order space harmonics, which reduces a few
unwanted power losses, and improves the power output along with its quality.
The research in this area is still in infancy, yet some extremely important findings
have been reported in the literature indicating general feasibility of multi-phase system
for stand-alone power generation. A poly-phase cage induction machine with double
stator windings, one fixed and other able to be manually adjusted and positioned to match
the mechanical and electrical power when used as a generator or a motor, is analyzed
along with its feasibility in wind /hydro system. The generator scheme, based on the dual
stator winding induction machine with displaced power and control three-phase winding
wound for same number of poles is available where, one set of winding is responsible for
electromechanical power conversion (i.e. driving the load) while the second one is used
for purposes of excitation and control. This scheme underutilizes the full generating
capability of dual stator winding induction generator, as the output of only one set of
three phase windings is available for end use. Another one deals with the double stator
induction machine with extended rotor common to both the stators. In all of these three
cases, output is meant to feed the utility is only three-phase. The facts and scopes as
mentioned above have motivated to facilitate the use of multi-phase induction generator
in stand-alone isolated mode of operation, which could ensure a reliable supply of good
quality. Induction generator in this configuration harnesses more output power in the
same frame with better voltage regulation compared to its three-phase counterpart. Such
system for the power generation could also be made efficient and cost effective to
compete with the other conventional sources of energy.
In view of the above, there is strong motivation to undertake a thorough and
systematic investigation about the multi-phase (six-phase) self-excited induction
generator so that the inherent advantageous features of multi-phase ac machine can be
fully exploited. Hence, in order to utilize the potential application of multi-phase
induction generator, investigations have been carried out with twin objectives. First one
deals with the development of a new power generation scheme, where it is possible to
supply two independent balanced or unbalanced three-phase load of utility from a single
six-phase machine by shunting excitation capacitor bank either across a single threephase
set or across both three-phase winding sets of six-phase induction generator.
Second objective explores the feasibility of multi-phase SEIG application in stand-alone
small hydropower scheme to feed the three-phase utility /power grid via an interposed six
to three-phase transformer with improved reliability. If one set of three-phase winding
fails the other one may continue to feed the essential loads.
The first part of this thesis, therefore, presents the mathematical modeling of a
saturated six-phase self-excited induction generator. Performance equations for this
machine are given, which utilize the saturated magnetizing inductance Lm = (Xm /im) and
its derivative (dLm /dim) rather than dynamic inductance (dXm /dim). Modeling of the SEIG
is based on two-axis (d-q) model of the machine. A detailed analytical study under
different operating conditions and loads was performedusingMATLAB /SIMULINK.
Second part of this thesis deals with a proof-of-concept prototype, which was
developed by modifying a conventional three-phase induction machine in such a way that
it could be configured to operate at desired number of poles and phases. For the purpose
of this work, test machine was reconfigured for six-pole, six-phase and six-pole, threephaseoperation.
Themachine parameters for each configuration were determined through
no-load and blocked rotor test. Synchronous speed test was also conducted to determine a
suitable value of shunt capacitor to excite the machine for a suitable value of terminal
voltage and winding current under the constraints posed by its rating. The detailed
experimentation was carried out on each configuration to investigate the no-load as well
as loading characteristics in different operating modes by mechanically coupling it to a
hydro turbine available in the laboratory.
Experimental results regarding voltage and current build-up, loss of excitation and
re-excitation, switching-in of resistive and resistive inductive load without and with short
shunt series compensation has also been performed. Self-excitation under no-load
condition and loading performance under a typical loading condition is elaborated with
emphasis on variable speed operation of six-phase SEIG. It is found that some of the
major problems like voltage collapse and situations that results total demagnetization
regarding the operation of a three-phase SEIG are alleviated in six-phase SEIG.
Experimental results obtained for the three-phase and six-phase self-excited induction
generators, configured for different operating modes under different loading conditions,
were compared to justify the suitability of six-phase induction generator over the threephase
counterpart. Finally, with known advantage of SEIG i.e. off-the-self availability,
operational simplicity, excellent power quality and feasibility of optimum efficiency
operation with better voltage regulation reflects the technical viability of six-phase
induction generator for hydropower schemes.