The demand of biodiesel is the need of the day because it have two advantage one is 'the renewable sources of energy due to the depletion in fossil fuel it is necessary that an alternative fuel is necessary which fulfill environmental and energy needs all the requirement without sacrificing operating performance and second is the ecofriendly it is give the less emission then to the fossil fuel but it have some problem like as the higher viscosity but it is decrease by some modification (Transesterification, Blending, ,Pyrolysis, microemulsification ). In this work we will discuss about the modeling of the exhaust emission of two type of biodiesel which made from the two type of vegetable oil namely the sunflower oil and soyabean oil and variation in exhaust emission due to the variation in the Free fatty acid content of vegetable oil and develop a generalized equation which describe all the emission in one equation and find that it was the best fit between the two type biodiesel and their exhaust emission approximately same between theoretical and experimental data.
Keywords: non-edible vegetable oil, emission, free fatty acid, diesel fuel