According to the National W ater Policy 2002 o f India, w ater resources
developm ent and m anagem ent will have to be for a hydrological unit such as drainage
basin as a w hole or a sub-basin, talcing into account surface and ground w aters for
sustainable use incorporating quantity and environm ental considerations. All individual
developm ental projects and proposals should be form ulated and considered w ithin the
fram e w ork o f such an overall plan keeping in view the existing agreem ents/aw ards for
a basin or sub-basin so that the best possible com bination o f options can be selected
and sustained. W ater should be made available to w ater short areas by transfer from
other areas including transfers from one river basin to another, if necessary, based on a
national perspective* after taking into account the requirem ents o f all areas/basins.
Integrated and coordinated developm ent o f surface w ater and ground w ater resources
and their conjunctive use, should be envisaged right from the project planning stage and
should form an integral part o f the project im plem entation. Irrigation intensity should
be such as to extend the benefits o f irrigation to as targe a num ber o f farm fam ilies as
possible, keeping in view the need to m axim ize production. Irrigation being largest
consum er o f fresh water, the aim should be to get optimal productivity per unit o f
water. In view o f the vital im portance o f w ater for human and anim al life, for
m aintaining ecological balance and for econom ic and developm ental activities o f all
kinds, and considering its increasing scarcity, the planning and m anagem ent o f this
resource and its optim al and equitable use has becom e a m atter o f the utm ost urgency.