In view of the intermittent nature of solar energy, it is necessary to provide a
storage system with solar collectors to store energy and to meet the demand in the
absence of solar radiation. Packed bed is generally recommended for thermal energy
storage in solar air heaters.
Packed bed sensible heat energy storage consists of solid material of good heat
capacity packed in a storage tank through which the heat transport fluid is circulated. Solar
air heater supplies hot air, which flows through the bed to transfer the thermal energy to the
solid particles. The stored thermal energy can be recovered by making cold ambient air
flow through the bed. Generally, small size storage materials in the size range of 1 to 3 cm
are used to store thermal energy. Small size storage material having large effective surface
area can provide high rates of heat transfer, however, it is also accompanied by large
pressure drop in the bed. High pressure drop results in substantially large energy
consumption to propel air through the bed. This reduces the overall benefit of the solar
energy utilization system. Pressure drop in the bed could be reduced with the use of large
sized material elements. Reduction in the heat transfer rate to large size material elements
due to smaller surface area per unit volume of storage is compensated by substantial
reduction in the amount of energy consumption by fan due to low pressure drop in the
packed bed. It can therefore be concluded that the large size material could be more
beneficial for use as the storage material.
Most of the correlations of heat transfer coefficient and friction factor reported
in the literature are for small size materials, which can not be utilized for the design of
packed bed systems using large sized elements because fluid flow and heat transfer
characteristics of such systems are substantially different from those with small size
materials. The shape of the packing material and void fraction of the bed determine the
size and distribution of the channels through which fluid flows for heat transfer. The
effect of these parameters is required to be taken into account along with the operating
parameters for accurate prediction of heat transfer and pressure drop in the bed. Since,
the generalized heat transfer coefficient and friction factor correlations are not available
in the literature which could predict the thermal and hydrodynamic performance of the
system for different shapes ofthe large size material elements at different void fractions
of the bed, it was planned to investigate the heat transfer and pressure drop
characteristics of the packed bed with the following objectives:
i) To investigate the effect of system parameters on heat transfer and pressure
drop characteristics of packed bed as function of the operating conditions.
ii) To develop the correlations for heat transfer coefficient (Nusselt number)
and friction factor as function of the system (shape of material elements and
void fraction of the bed) and operating parameters (Reynolds number).
iii) To investigate thermal and hydrodynamic performance of the packed bed
solar energy storage system.
iv) To determine the optimum values of system parameters that yield the best
performance of the packed bed solar energy storage system.
in order to meet the above-mentioned objectives, an extensive experimental
investigation has been planned. The experimental se,-up has been planned to collect
extensive data on heat transfer and fluid flow characteristics of packed bed. The data
„„ air temperature and material temperature a. different locations inside the packed
bed and pressure drop across the bed were collected tor six different mass velocities
of air ranging from 0.155 to 0.266 kg/s m2 for each set of different material shapes
and void fraction of the bed.
To investigate the effect of material shape on heat transfer coefficient and
pressure drop in the packed bed. material elements of five different shapes have
been used. Sphericity parameter (y) is used to represent the shape of material
elements. Table 1 gives the range of system and operating parameters used in the
present investigation.
Table 1 : Range of system and operating parameters.
Parameter Range
Sphericity (i//) 0.55- 1.00
Void fraction (£ ) 0.306-0.630
Mass velocity of air (G) 0.155-0.266 kg/s m2
Nusselt number (Nu). friction factor (f) and Reynolds number (Re) have been
used to represent heat transfer coefficient, pressure drop and operating conditions
respectively in non-dimensional form. It has been observed that Nusselt number and
friction factor are strong functions of sphericity of material elements, void fraction of
the bed and Reynolds number.
The changes in the values ofheat transfer and friction parameters with sphericity
and void fraction are substantial which call for ajudicious selection ofthese parameters
to result in maximum heat transfer gain for a minimum friction penalty. Using the
experimental data, following correlations for Nusselt number and friction factor have
been developed as function ofReynolds number, sphericity and void fraction.
Correlation for Nusseit number:
M, =0.437(Re)075 frf" C^)"'62 {exp[29.03(kw)2 ]} (0
Correlation for friction factor:
/ =4.466(Re) °2 for')0*6(*)-""{exp[ll.85(log^)2 ]) (2)
^ It has been observed that experimental values and the values of Nusselt number
and friction factor predicted by the above correlations are in good agreement. Validity
of the correlations has been checked by comparing the values generated from the
correlations developed by previous investigators reported in the literature and those
generated from these correlations for given values of the sphericity and void fraction of
the bed. Agood agreement has been observed.
Nusselt number and friction factor correlations developed in this work have
been used to investigate the thermal and hydrodynamic performance of a packed
bed solar energy storage system using a mathematical simulation technique. The
inlet temperature to the bed is kept constant during the charging process by varying
the flow rate of air. The performance study ofthe packed bed solar energy, storage
system has been carried out to determine the stratification of the bed, thermal and
available energy stored in the bed, energy consumption by fan and thermal
efficiency of the collectors during charging of the bed as function of sphericity and
void fraction.
Since the objective of the system designer is to have the maximum exergy
stored , therefore design of the packed bed system should be based on Second Law
efficiency of the storage-recovery cycle. For this purpose, optimization of the
system parameters has been carried out on the basis of Second Law efficiency of the
Design plots have been prepared that can yield the optimum value of system
parameters namely, sphericity and void fraction of bed for given values of operating
parameters i.e. temperature rise parameter 'AT/I' and average insolation (I).