Microprocessors built specifically for digital signal processing are DSP processors. DSP chips are high-speed, dedicated microprocessors that have been optimized to perform Arithmetic operations on the huge amounts of data required by spectral analysis and signal processing algorithms.
DSP Processors are the computational engines on which DSP applications are built. General purpose DSP processors provides an effective way to design and implement DSP algorithms for real-world applications. DSP is one of the core technologies in rapidly growing applications like communications and audio processing. DSP systems have progressed remarkably in the past decades, especially within the last few years. The estimated growth of DSP processors in the last 6 years is over 40%. The variety of DSP capable processors for various applications also increased with the rising popularity of DSP processors.
The present work is a structured approach to design and implementation of an embedded DSP processor core. The work focuses on the design of the 16bit DSP Processor described by"the VHDL language and optimized by forcing timing constraints. The proposed DSP Processor is implemented and tested through simulation results and the results of the processor are validated.
The designs are coded with VHDL, synthesized and configured into Spartan-2 XC2S200-5Q208 FPGA, from Xilinx family. The ISE 7.1 synthesis tool is used in this project for synthesis and implementation.