In the wake of energy crisis, the world economy is determined to capture the untapped renewable energy potential. Wind energy, due to its free availability and clean character, ranks as the most promising renewable energy resource that can play a key role in solving the world energy crisis. .
This dissertation deals with the modelling and transient stability analysis of Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) for wind turbines connected to grid system. A reduced order model for the DFIG has been used. A controller for -speed, voltage and power factor has also been implemented. The DFIG model and the controller are presented as Differential Algebraic Equations (DAB). A 7h order model for synchronous machine with IEEE type-I exciter has also been presented.
The DAEs have been solved using Simultaneous Implicit (SI) method. SI-method is a numerical method that is widely used in industries now-a-days. The derivations using the SI-method for TSA simulations have been presented in detail. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) has been implemented to optimize the DFIG controller gains.
TSA simulation results for three 8 bus power system networks, with DFIG and infinite bus, with only synchronous machine and with DFIG and synchronous machine in the network, have been presented.