Every human being on this planet has the rights to survive and live well. But
having rights is not the only solution; it should be implemented in a proper
way so that every body gets benefited. The whole world is an ecological
system and sustainability of this system is very much dependent on three
pillars like environmental, economic and social aspects.
It is true that the non-renewable resource materials are limited and the whole
future human generations will have to survive with the help of this limited
resource materials. The distribution of materials and the distribution process
and system to distribute were not efficient enough to support every strata of
human civilization because of various socio-political reasons. Also increasing
difference between the rich and poor segments of the society is also
increasing day by day because of unsustainable two hundred years of
industrial economy.
The growing population mainly in the developing countries indicates the
requirement to necessitate the change in strategies in socio-economic policies
of these governments for their economic activities to afford this increasing
population. The over consumption by the particular segments and under
consumption by some other segments of the society already generates many
kinds of socio-political problems those the human society is facing through out
the world in every country.
Fossil fuel is one of the burning issues now-a-days; the whole world is facing
with, and already faced many such regional wars in the recent past. One of
the major areas of consumption of fossil fuel is mobility activities in the city,
where fossil fuel is extensively used by every vehicle. Also one of the main
reasons of pollution in the city is the mobility activities and the emission
generated by this particular activity.
But cities as the growing economic centers of world activities, attracts people
to move from one point to another point for their participation in various kinds
of economic activities within the city. In this situation, these time poor
passengers in the city have to use various kinds of mobility activities to solve
their purposes.
As already explained that because of various kinds of socio-political and
economic reasons the distribution of resource material was not proper and
equal through out the history. Also many people use to use them in different
ways according to their various purposes and according to their capabilities.
These capabilities may vary from passenger to passenger according to their
preference to act for solving their purposes.
So to achieve the sustainable consumption and production scenario in a city,
one has to define the pattern of mobility activities in a systemic way. But as
every passenger has the freedom to achieve their goals, the system should
have the efficiency to provide enough number of solutions to choose that they
are having reasons to value. This value system is very much generated by
So a change in culture of consumption is very much required for those
passengers who like to use their personal vehicles for movement purposes
within the city. Also there should be an efficient system of mobility activities for
mass passengers who can not afford to have a personal vehicle and also
should not opt for according to research findings and literatures.
A networked system of various kinds of mobility activities is very much
required within a city for various kinds of passengers and their various kinds
of preferences within the market economy. The freedom of transparent
transaction is very much required to promote sustainable mobility activities for
every segments of the society.
The phenomenological system perception of networked mobility activities by
every passenger validates the human capability to adopt the situation to
generate sustainable consumption and production pattern with social
harmony. The participation of the passengers to generate concept of
commercially sustainable mobility activities can be found in Kokata.
Special Note: Many references of different writers from their old
publications were coated from some different latest publications. So in the
Bibliography, the researcher tried to refer both the old and new publications
In many cases the researcher tried to re