The switched reluctance motor (SRM) drive is receiving increasing attention from various researchers as well as industry as a viable candidate for adjustable speed and servo applications. The switched reluctance motor is simple in construction. It not only features a salient pole stator with concentrated coils, but also features a salient pole rotor, which has no conductors or magnets and is thus the simplest of all electric machine rotors. Combining the unique features of an SRM with simple and efficient power converter that it uses, a superior motor drive system emerges which may be preferable for many applications compared to other ac or dc motor drive systems.
In this thesis, simulation of the current and speed controlled SRM drive is carried for various operating conditions by changing the load and the reference quantities. The performance of the drive is investigated for different switching angles The optimum turn off angle for a particular load is determined. Different modeling approaches and simulation models of SRM are presented. Implementation of microcontroller controlled SRM drive is done experimentally. The starting problem for an SRM is presented with a solution. Finally, the flowcharts for the open loop operation and current controlled operation of the drive are given