The term planning is used, in different ways in various literatures.
Lewis Keeble (1983), describes it as 'Planning', in the broadest sense, is making up of ones mind what to do before doing it. Town Planning is, ideally, deciding what a town should be like before it is built, though it is fortunate and exceptional for this to be possible; it is more often, deciding in what ways a town should be kept as it is and what ways it ought to be altered.'
According to Conyers and Hills (1984) it is ..."a continuous process which involves decisions and choices, about normative ways of using available resources, with the aim of achieving particular goals at some time in future."
Some of the definitions of Planning by different authors are as follows;
1950, Simon, Herbert Ar'Planning... is the activity that concerns itself with proposals for the future, with the evaluation of alternative proposals, and with the methods by which these processes may be achieved. Planning is rational adaptive thought applied to the future and to matters over which the planners or the administrative organizations with which they are associated have some degree of control.'...