Today, tourism has emerged as the second largest industry with an added advantage of being an instrument of economic development and employment generation for several regions at global level unlike agriculture and manufacturing, which are location specific, tourism can be developed almost anywhere, depending upon the availability of -- Pleasing weather, scenic attractions, historical and cultural factors, accessibility, amenities etc., and thus becomes an ideal tool for decentralized regional development. Visakhapatnam has everything to make a perfect tourist destination.
This dissertation aims to study the potential of Visakhapatnam as "Tourist Destination" and to develop tourism in Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region at a regional level. For this the different types of tourist places and tourist attractions are identified, the future projection of tourist inflow, the type of tourists visiting the region and their requirements are surveyed to know the various aspects and the also existing conditions of the infrastructure are studied and the projection for future time period is made. The deficiency is calculated.
The proposals are given for tourism development which will promote inflow of tourists to the region simultaneously improving and creating new tourist attractions and then efforts towards the development and expansion of various services to the tourists, with respect to the physical and social infrastructure for the future time period are made.
The recommendations evolved from this research work will be very much useful especially for the development of tourism in VMR and with in the whole region in general.