Designing a workspace for the present day competitive corporate world requires an integrated approach because now a day the work output or efficiency of the employees attains high importance, which in turn depends upon the user comfort, facilities, setup or directly the environment in which user works.
Conventionally, office design and distribution of space has been based more on status than work requirements. As work in the public sector becomes more information dependent, and shifts from dealing with products to working with people to provide services, work environments need to be flexible to enhance communication amongst employees, improve efficiency and productivity and respond to organizational change. Workplaces now have to accommodate work practices such as tcleworking and provide flexible arrangements that require less space.
The Office of the Future incorporates into the workplace the latest innovations in interior design, furniture, and communications technology. It change the workplace to take advantage of new alternative ways of working, such as increasing emphasis on executive communication, teamwork, telecommuting, and other nontraditional ways of getting things done.
Efficiency or productivity depends upon the work environment, facilities and setup in which user works. Each person responds uniquely when confronted with a specific situation or environment. These responses are categorized as sociological, psychological and physiological�â� � all of which are influenced by factors within the interior environment.