HaZard and Operability (HAZOP) study is the most widely used and preferred approach in the chemical plant to accomplish hazard assessment, qualitatively and quantitatively. This study is typically performed by a team of experts having specialized knowledge and expertise in the design, operation, and maintenance of the plant. The HAZOP team members examine the process P&ID systematically, identify every conceivable deviation from design intent in the plant using a guideword' approach; determine all the possible abnormal causes and the adverse consequences of that deviation.
The present dissertation work has been conducted in MEG plant at RIL, Hazira where EO (ethylene oxide) and MEG (mono ethylene glycol) are the main products. The HAZOP study is carried out in EO section of the MEG plant since EO is a hazardous material in terms of toxicity, flammability in air and chemically instability, it can be handled and stored with safety, provided appropriate precautions observed. The main raw materials such as oxygen,' inhibitor, carbon dioxide, ethylene, nitrogen and methane, are used in the manufacturing process of EO. The operating units involved for the production of EO in the plant are given as EO reactor, EO absorption, EO stripper, EO purification, BO recovery and EO storage tank.
Deviation or changes in the process parameters (such as temperature, pressure, levels of chemicals etc.) of EO operating unit may lead to a serious accident (violent reaction, damaged by overheating, hot spot formation, etc) and undesirable product since the product quality is sensitive; therefore qualitative and manual HAZOP study has been carried out as a dissertation work for a better performance of the process system as well as safety. Moreover, MEG plant is a continuous process which operates in supercritical condition, hence proper monitoring of the unit operation is required against hazards.
The present HAZOP study report shows the possible abnormal causes and consequences of hazard in the plant. A brief result discussion is also performed based on the present HAZOP study report. And also preventive corrective measure and recommendation has been made to improve the safety performance of the process and production line as well.