To the common man in the civil street, an army officers' mess conjures vision of glamour and glitter, little realizing that it is one of the most vibrant and significant institutions of the Indian Army, which zealously propagates and upholds the customs, traditions and values of armed forces. It is here that a newly commissioned officer receives his initial grooming on etiquettes and manners, inherits the values which sets an army officer in a class apart, and imbibes the heritage, ethos and traditions of his regiment. It is in the mess that the virtues of loyalty and esprit de corps are fostered and lifelong bonds established amongst the officers, families and the 'paltan' (unit).
Though all messes are meant for a common purpose, each mess has a unique character of its own. With the winds of change affecting every segment of our society, there has been transformation in the functioning of the messes, in keeping with the demands of present times. With changes in technology and global scenario there has been a significant change in the role of the army and it has adversely effected in the architecture of these messes.
The changing global scenario has affected the thought process of the policy makers. The Changes are resulting to a large extent in diminishing effect on ethos of Army or other fighting forces. The problem lies with policy makers, their thought process and the global factors from which even Army is not left untouched. Changing role of army and increasing interaction among the top brass of neighboring Nations has affected the architecture as well. Even the army and the messes are not left untouched by modern technology and new building materials.
The dissertations adopts a study into development of messes from the times of the states forces and tries to investigate the architectural development of Indian Defence Officer's Messes through the 19th and twentieth centuries. Stress is given on practical aspects rather than going towards the theory part.