Technology Parks, etc.) as stated in and other areas as notified from time to time by the Central Government, are entitled to :
(a) 100% (hundred percent) outright excise duty exemption for a period of 10 years from the date of commencement of commercial production.
(b) 100% income tax exemption for initial period of five years and thereafter 30% for companies and 25% for other than companies for a further period of five years for the entire states of Uttrakhand and Himachal Pradesh from the date of commencement of commercial production.
(II) All New industries in the notified location would be eligible for capital investment subsidy @ 15% of their investment in plant & machinery, subject to a ceiling of Rs.30 lakh. The existing units will also be entitled to this subsidy on their substantial expansion, as defined.
(III). Thrust Sector Industries as mentioned in Armexure-II are entitled to similar concessions as mentioned in pera 3(1) & (II) above in the entire state of Uttrakhand and Himachal Pradesh without any area restrictions.