In the following pages an effort has been asd• to present a cc prshsnsive picture of the various aspects of the vibration prabls of overhead transmission line. The, dartlopment of the subject MMr+O&& the last three decades his been traced and a Critical analysis of the literature dealing with the theory of the problem s been ttteapted, The various kinds of experimental studios area described and their relative Importance weighed. A reference has been made to the role of .lectroniaa in instruerotatica and auto. ratio control of wibr tion tests. The graphical and ss.t s matical relationships which facilitate ocaputat ton are sought to be given in a concise aenner. An attempt has also been mad* to deacrtbs and study the old and now &*hsss* of ecub►ating vibrations and the latest methods of their analysis based on elsc rc►so ntcsl analcaUs are given. The scope of the problem is indicated and the statit,s in ocaplste a aviation of the haraful. effects are discussed„ A brief reference has also been sad+r to the isportance of this problem vis«~a*iris Indian conditions