I, thA nrnsent A iss rrtnt ton thn AevfAog t4nt r4nr oprrnt ion of' a
new two-peed s tnc;te- ahc!sn cop a ifor rotor 13 iscu "itotz►h the not common Form of thr prirlr±ry rh ino, 'rr n sing; .n-pbAse induction. ^rotor is the i s otr icnl 900 - wind inq, for rqt inks. n* 3 to 10 R.P,, n sta nza throe-phAsa tirin`. int Is geinin favour. Tf tie sin In-phaco induction motor In fittd with r stn,d rd throe-
rphsse w .ndin;t the rotor cnn he operntod with s}~itmble ttehin Rrrnn eientt, nt two d if tnront spa' , the rntio of the two speed s bein. 3s1.
Thn principle or onernt ion of this two-sc oe Motor i the utitthntion of the third-hnrnonte torque to - Ivr+ stns -1e onftre*fon et pane-third spoc'i. The titIri hnrr;onie fieitl 3bpco? ps 1ppilte sinniricnrt in cortitn wtn' Iw connvrttons rind the nmvn1tuAm of
torque developed hecoman c rsble to thy+ f nn ntni torp.
+t licd flint!' 1 enrr1r,r1 o} t nor the ori r t ion & the
inchino nt both the speeds.. 1enern1tznd rotntIni► CIn1jd theory, developed hi The nn4 Prown17 nn`! heed on the eaten,^ ion of the counter-rotat in field theor?, is ucnd to gnnl'rnn thea perornee or ' ho ouch ire.
The new two-speod cepee iter notor in nn extrnn-,1v simple
cinchine. It usos stondnrd three-phase induction motor windinr; with suitable enpaeitors and rr q°sires onl)t n simple switch for chnnjin? the speed from one voluc to the other, Only six terninels Pro required, the nunber hein'; the sine es in in~hinos with ntnr.dnttn et +rtors0
`pest results on two nechines, one n strnThrd throe.phnne mechinn
operttEd from. 9 in11e•phnse supr1v" and Piothnr with }ind ink +rrr nvernnt, show snt tsf .ctory hohnvinur in opprnt l,nn A
both the normal Pn9 th one-third creed. Th present tur p a e a discussion on the d os irn of sw:h '.reh inpa nevi of the sv tteh tng
'q r1.