This thesis deals with the STFADY—STATE and TRAJSIENT.. STABILITY problems of a Synchronous machine. The first part deals with the 'steady..state' stability limit of a synchronous machine connected to infinite bus bar, (i) directly# (ii) through a tie line, and (iii) through a transmission line based on dynamic relations. Special reference has been made to the effect of voltage regulator on the steady—state stability limit which is improved by a considerable amount through the use of automatic voltage regulators.
The second part deals with the transient performance of a synchronous machine connected to infinite bus bar. A new method of approach to transient stability problems hagieen introduced.
In all the above work the basic equations make use of Park's two reaction theory and equations and attempts have been made to do away with various assumptions which although allow a simple analysis of the problem, do not give very accurate results, even giving paradoxical results in some oases.