In the follo°'-ing iai n an effort ho been r, ido to present a eopprehen ive rioture of - oiuo of the anpcate of ower eyst rrc servo problems. The baaic elementary iaona of the theory of probability a~)rlied to eyston reserve problems have been dicouraed and the ai ai ' canoe of conventional nothode of outago rrobability calculation has been illustrated+ Some of the abort-.out methods have 1 e. n appli& to a rerrev entr tine ryntom m f the rc lte are ©ornp..r d with thoac obtained .t1s exact ca1eul tions. The work deal; norc with aaalysin.; the :'actoro influencing the determination of r oer'o oanaci t.y of power oyotoma, than in the exac solution of a typical problem, t . L chief i'aetor being the probability of outa a of v<!.riouo car,aoitieo. The limitations and come loxitioe involved in the trcotno t of hydro unite Wive bren discu - ed. The
importance of the problem in an interconnected oyctern has been
indicated. The role ref oomputero in probability atudieo he been atrea xnd ;nrl a computer prograrme h o boon developed to determine the cumulative outaj;e probability for various capacity outa Mca. The recd i .nck saopb for r"urthor r000nroh have boon indicated .