dc.description.abstract |
On the basis of theory and equations developed for three. phase synchronous rhino, the einglephaso synchronous machine may be analysed. By tk ing the effect of positive and negative sequence ocriponente of fluxes currents and voltages *to., the steady'»etate analysis to carried out. Due to presence of negative sequence current In the armature even harmonic currents are induced in the field and in the additional rotor circuits, if any. With the help of the equivalent circuit the expression for field current is derived.
The equation of the field current in transient dtate is also derived and test is mad* to confirm the wave form obtain-ed. theoretically titb that recorded experimentally.
In the steady-state and transient state analysis of the single-phase synchronous machine the equivalent tharee'phace constants appear always together with the negative sequence reaot noe. Theoo constants are taken as eingl+ phase conetente Their theoretical and physical descriptions are given and they are named an single-phase oyrth.ronoue machine constants.
thode to determine these constants are also discussed. Prom the experiments performed for the purposes it is evident that these oonotrnto can be determined accurately. |
en_US |