During the past decade, Digital Computers have introciced the entirely new approach to the problems, which were otherwise considered almost impossible or had some inuirect methou of attack.
There has been a great endeavour towards computer-ising any process that involved considerable labour and time, for the solution of system problems which different method of approach.
The aim of this thesis, is to popularise the use of Digital Computers to the solution of different systems problems encountered; however, this is merely an attempt in this direction.
Several me the de exist for the solution of network problems and are suggested almost every year. A oomper-ative study thus is unavoidable and therefore discussed herein.
Recently, Monte Carlo methods have been applied to a variety of problems, hence they have been given a due place in this thesis for the solution of the linear net-work equations un d for the solution of Laplace Equations which in irregular and multidimensional regions, prevent a difficult situation with the conventional methods.
The Computer programmes are drawn for both the above cases an A the result a of the problems chosen have been discussed at par.
Although several problems, such as setting up of self rnd mutual impedances and Load flow atu ice, usually as a practice by System & ginecra at large, are tried on A,C, Network Analyzer, the digital methods for the same are some tiLe s superior or to say more convenient as regards tile, economy, accuracy and with larger data handling capabilities, and therefore should draw the attention.
The author litre diecuaees different methods of digital approache to the above problems and by taking specific problems ex'mplifies some of the salient features of the same.
A atu4 of optimising acceleration in the iterative proceoc has been illustr ted.
The computer programmes for each type of study ase chalked out and tested to run succosofully