dc.description.abstract |
The h,v.d.c. p&Ar tra sida51 a is dauttats
sccn dca ed efficient as compared to 1*. v. a, S. power tram•
tdsstcm tar trsnaeittthg large amount of powers nor long
Slat ►st, Cspantive oslau a'tions retsfliag the advantages
+ h v,41, power trEnsm .aston as against sono have been ailed out on t e a lines.
Talon +mswr thg devices available have been discussed and it has been established that apto the present
stage the gridodontroi.led mercury-arcs cui en are the most satisfactory converting devices for converting lane sotamt of powers, at high voltages, because it can vest both as a rectifier or as an invertor sattsfactortly.
The econcaicat and efficient range of doe,
point' transmtssjst depends upon the cost and effictercy of
convverti g devices along with the amount of poor to be trans!njtted and the length of the transmission route#
The cost and efficiency of the conve, tir°.l equipments largely effect the limiting distance for adopting It.ved«c.
Psi transmission, Detailed cgtcalflions as regards the effect of OOWOW In cost and efficiency of the coanrttn cqutp ,sits an the ltmitirg distance for adoptirg h.v.d,c. have been carried ort, |
en_US |