The idea of CBD�â� � s is quite new in the Indian Context, in the medieval towns of India, City centers existed, which were commercial centers as well. Ghaziabad, being one of the prime cities in the NCR, has seen a rapid boom in urbanization and plotted development. However, while the fringe areas of the city have developed at a rapid rate, the core city of Ghaziabad is giving way to decay and congestion.
The Northern Central Region Planning Board, has proposed a number of projects in and around the core area, the NCRPB is also the funding agency for the projects. NCRPB had commissioned M/s Willbur Smith Associates to prepare detailed proposals and reports for some projects in the central area of Ghaziabad, one of them being proposal of a Multi-level parking at the existing bus stand area. Also, the Ghaziabad Master Plan identifies a certain portion in the core city with the heavy commercial use as the Central Business District of Ghaziabad. The existing bus stand in Ghaziabad is located in the centre of the city at Navyug Chowk. The is major centre and is CBD of Ghaziabad busy with various activities; in addition to the bus stand, a number of commercial establishments, markets, government offices (Ghaziabad Nagar Nigam and Ghaziabad Development Authority) situated here.( Volume V-D1: DPR for Multi-level Parking Facility at Ghaziabad,Main Report, Wilbur Smith Associates).
With this background, the CBD area needs to be studied for a proper analysis of the existing problems in the core area. Ghaziabad, being an important town in NCR, is also one of the important centers for commerce, trade and industry. Hence, it is very vital that a renewal should be proposed in the core city area, so that a plausible model can be formulated for the renewal of other areas with similar characteristics and urban fabric.