Himalayan region in India is home to 44 million people (source: census 2011) and a variety of
flora and fauna. Due to its tough terrain and climatological conditions a lot of indigenous
construction practices are prevalent in different parts. At the same time it is under the threat of
various natural calamities like earthquakes, landslides and cloudbursts. The whole Himalayan
region is under zone-5 in earthquake hazard zoning. Despite being susceptible to such calamity no
proper structural analysis of the various construction techniques prevalent has been ever done.
This analysis will contribute in risk assessment of the area, in providing model solutions and will
help in incorporating the design patterns extracted from traditional architecture to contemporary.
The research is purely an applied one and seeks the following Objectives:
�ï� �· To understand the concept of structural analysis and its various methods through literature
�ï� �· Identify the various building typologies prevalent in the region.
�ï� �· Study of the Force-Displacement characteristics of the identified typologies.
�ï� �· Identification of structural drawbacks with reference to present day scenario.
�ï� �· Providing model solutions by developing prototype and proposing retrofitting measures for
each region.