Control system is an area which has got a great deal of mathematical complexity, and the physical significance is difficult to analyse. This has led to a wide gap in the understanding of the subject. To bridge up the gap in our understanding an attempt has been made to come up with a- computer aided learning package of controls and process control under the heading of personal computer based process control simulator software.
The wide spectrum of control studies has been touched in this dissertation with the aid of readymate package, many e--new algorithms and existing subroutines. The area which has been touched in this dissertation is system identification, transfer function simulation, block diagram reductions using state space and FFT application: program. A study package provided to us by Danes incorporate - U.S.A. for process control has also been interfaced.
Since each modules has some pitfall and limitations. j Hence approach has also been presented in which direct development of new subroutine, subprograms is possible by ? invoking respective compilers and editor from the menu it-self. This had made possible for this software to grow with a great deal of flexibility in near future.