dc.description.abstract |
Pick-ups may be defined as devicewhich trartsfrms energy from one form to othero çapci4Ve tra dUces Work on the principle of change in cpadtance, cusèd.y charge
in overlapping area, and chare in distance bet-wen plates or change in dielectric constant. Q4pacitivè pick-ups can be used for the measurement of le'ngthi thickness, level, dis-placement, humidity etc.
The sensitivity of a bridge measurement may be regarded as the accuracy with which balance is achieved. It is expre ssed in terms of the smallest response of the detector which can be observed with re1iabi1ty. The capa.citoride4 are gene-rally used in bridge circuits for detecting the Chooes in their values,
In this dissertation analysis has been carried out for the sensitivity analysis of dIfferent types of capacitive pick-ups. The influence of environmental parte1' oh capaci-
tors has been studied and an trUmertJas alSO Oeeo 06Velopeq
for continuous measurement ofcapacitance chahs. The páci-
tance changes does not affect the Sensitivity the bri.ge. The sensitivity of the developed pick-up can be very accura-tely determined by using this bridge circuit. |
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