The development of high performance chemical sensors is a
fast growing area in the field of analytical science and
technology. Chemical sensors are analytical systems for measuring
ions and molecules in solution. The most widely studied chemical
sensors are the potentiometric based electrochemical devices i.e.,
ion-selective electrodes. Potentiometric ion-selective electrodes
detect changes in electrode potential or membrane potential
arising from the specific adsorption or other interactions of
ionic species onto the surface of the sensitive layer. In order to
be analytically useful the process must be selective with respect
to the species of interest.
Ion-selective electrodes find many applications in the
analysis of raw materials and for quality control of the products
due to the speed, sensitivity, cost, reliability and non
consumption of the sample in the process. These are specially
useful tool for monitoring environment or waste water and also in
biological studies particularly in the field of clinical chemistry
where a large number of samples and the need for a rapid method of
analysis, rule out many slower, more involved methods. Besides
this the device can be used irrespective of the colour, viscosity
etc. of the test solution and almost no sample preparation is
A survey of literature as well as market reveals the
availability of electrodes for mono and bivalent cations. Sensors
for polyvalent cations and anions are still not commercially
available. Besides this there is a big question mark on the
selectivity of sensors commercially available and also the one
being reported in literature. As such investigations, to obtain
tailor made material to provide electreactive phase having
specific selectivity for a particular ion, are called for.
The work included in this thesis deals with the development
of sensors with the help of some ionic polymers and inorganic gels
exhibiting ion exchange characteristics. The details are presented
in the following sequence :
An inorganic gel polytungstoantimonate, is reported to
possess high selectivity for bivalent viz., Cd *, Zn , Cu , etc.
ions. In view of this, it was thought desirable to observe the
electroanalytical selectivity of this gel material and explore the
utility of the membranes of this substance for the estimation of
bivalent cations. Efforts made in this direction are given below:
Heterogeneous membranes using araldite as binder were
prepared and relevant functional properties like water content,
porosity, swelling, electrolyte absorption and conductance w^re
determined. The values of water content, porosity and swelling
were found to be negligibly small, thus magnifying the importance
of exchange sites in the gel membrane. The conductance of the
membrane is found to decrease with ionic radii.
The electrode exhibits a near Nernstian response for cadmium
ions in the range 6.31xlCT5-l. OOxlO^M at PH 5-7 with a slope of
26 mV/decade of concentration. The response time is less than one
minute and the potentials stay constant for more than three
minutes. The electrode assembly has very limited validity in
partially non-aqueous medium. Monovalent ions cause some
interference in the working of this assembly, but bivalent and
polyvalent ions cause negligible interferences. This electrode has
significant effect of surfactants. Titrations involving cadmium
nitrate have also been monitored by using this membrane sensor.
Same inorganic ion exchanger has also been used for the
preparation of Zn2+ selective sensor. It responds to Zn2+ ions in
the range of 5.OOxlO"5-!.OOxlO^M at pH 3.5-6.0. Variation of
membrane potentials in partially non-aqueous medium has been
studied and it is observed that upto 20% non-aqueous content the
sensor shows nominal increase in slope with simultaneous slight
decrease in working concentration range. Monovalent ions cause a
little interference while bivalent and polyvalent cations like
Pb , Cd , Al etc. do not interfere. Small additions of
surfactant upto 5.0xlO_5M concentration does not cause any
interference but higher concentrations of surfactants are likely
to interfere. The sensor has also been used as an end point
indicator in potentiometric titrations involving Zn2+ ions. A
comparative assessment indicates a better performance of the
membrane sensor for the evaluation of zinc in comparison to
cadmium ions.
Tin oxide has been reported to possess promising selectivity
3- 2- - for some anions like P04 , Cr04 , V03 etc. Preliminary
investigations suggested the utility of the membrane sensor for
- 2- the estimation of V03 or Cr04 ions. Functional properties of this
membrane sensor are also quite low and comparable to the membranes
of the same class. The tin oxide membrane in polystyrene bindergives
excellent response for vanadate ions. It can be used to
estimate vanadium in the range 2.51xl0~ -1.00x10 M and exhibits
very good selectivity towards these ions with reasonably fast
response time over a wide pH range 4 to 10, though the behaviour
in partially non-aqueous medium is not so good. In the presence of
anionic surfactant (upto a concn. of l.00x10~ M) sodium dodeeyl
sulphate, no adverse effect, on the working of the sensor is
observed. The electrode assembly could also be used as an
indicator electrode in the titrimetric estimation of vanadium.
Efforts were also made to see the selectivity of this membrane for
chromate ions. Although the working concentration range
-4 -1
(1.78x10 -1.00x10 M) for chromate ions is somewhat better in
comparison to vanadate ions, the other factors like selectivity,
effect of non-aqueous medium and the presence of surfactant etc.
suggest that the membrane will form a better sensor for the
estimation of vanadium.
The use of organic resins specially chelating polymeric
resins are finding importance as scavenger of metal ions. Resins
of this type exhibit a very selective behaviour towards some heavy
metal ions. In view of the importance of such compounds 2-hydroxy
naphthaldoxime formaldehyde resin has been tried as an
electroactive phase in the membrane sensors for Pb + ions.
Membranes were prepared using PVC as well as polystyrene as
binders. Functional properties like water content porosity,
swelling and electrolyte absorption could be determined only in
the case of polystyrene based membranes and the same are found to
be quite low in comparison to the values recorded for inorganic
gel membranes comparison.
Polystyrene based membrane electrode of the said resin shows
linear response in the range 1.58x10 -1.00x10 M concentration of
lead ions with a slope of 35 mV/decade of concentration while the
PVC based membrane sensor have comparatively lower working
-4 -1 2+
concentration range i.e., 3.16x10 -1.00x10 M for the same (Pb
ions) with a still higher slope of 40 mV/decade of concentration.
Both the electrodes are operational in a pH range 4 to 7. Both the
electrodes have a very limited validity in partially non-aqueous
medium. Selectivity coefficient values suggest the interference of
monovalent ions while bivalent and polyvalent cations are found to
have very low values of this parameter. Mixed run plots clearly
indicate the utility of the electrode even in the presence of
-4 lower concentrations (upto 1.00x10 M) of monovalent ions. Higher
concentration of surfactants cause significant interference. Both
the membranes can be used as an indicator electrode in
potentiometric titrations of Pb ions with EDTA. A comparative
assessment reveals a better performances of polystyrene based
membrane as a sensor for lead ions in comparison to the PVC based
The electroanalytical selectivity of one more such resin
(2-salicylaldene aminothiopehnol formaldehyde) for cadmium and
zinc ions both has been investigated. Membranes were fabricated
with the above resin using both polystyrene and PVC as the binder
Polystyrene based membranes were characterized in terms of
water content, porosity, swelling, electrolyte, absorption and
conductance. These membranes show response for cadmium ions in a
-4 -1 wide concentration range 1.00x10 -1.00x10 M with a slope of
15mV/decade of concentration. In this case also the performance is
better than those of PVC based membranes where the range is
-4 -1 1.79x10 -1.00x10 M and the slope of the plot is 12mV/decade of
concentration. Potentials stay constant over a pW range of 4-6.
Similarly for zinc ions the working concentration range
-4 -1
(1.26x10 -1.00x10 M) for polystyrene based membrane is better
than the PVC based one where the range is from 2.51x10 to
1.00x10 M. Even the slope of the plot is better for polystyrene
based membrane.
The response of polystyrene based membranes are generally
faster in comparison to PVC based membranes in both the cases.
Cadmium can be estimated in solution having 15% non-aqueous
content with a polystyrene based membrane sensor while the PVC
membrane does not function in non-aqueous medium. Estimation of
zinc, in partially non-aqueous medium, is not possible at all.
Selectivity coefficient pattern in the case of cadmium ions
suggests the superiority of polystyrene supported membranes over
the PVC based ones. Even in the case of zinc ions, polystyrene
based membrane electrodes are superior. Polystyrene supported
membranes, during the estimation of Cd2+ ions, have higher
tolerance limit of monovalent cations and surfactants ions.
Polystyrene as well as PVC based membranes act as good end
point indicators in potentiometric titrations of Cd2+ and Zn2+
with EDTA.
Thus it can be concluded that the membrane sensor
incorporating 2-salicylaldene amino thiophenol formaldehyde as an
electroactive phase in polystyrene, is a better sensor for cadmium
in comparison to zinc and it is quite obvious that the choice of
the binder influences the response, slope and selectivity of the
membrane. Use of polystyrene as binder exhibits an improved
response and selectivity.
In the end (last chapter) the applications of
polytungstoantimonate and 2-salicylaldene amino thiophenol
membranes, for the estimation of Zn and Cd2+ in three waste
water samples, are described. The results achieved with the
electrodes fabricated in this lab. compare well with the values
obtained by the help of more sophisticated techniques.
"A solid inorganic gel membrane sensor for mercury"
Sensors and Actuators, B 13-14, PP. 391-395.
Presented a paper entitled "A solid inorganic gel membrane
sensor for mercury" in the "Fourth international meeting on
chemical sensors" held in Tokyo, Japan from September 13-17, 1992.
Presented a paper entitled "A solid membrane sensor for
cadmium ions" in the "Symposium on recent trends in instrumental
methods of analysis" held in Chemistry Department, University of
Roorkee, Roorkee, India from March 24 to 26, 1992.
A paper entitled "A membrane sensor for the estimation of
vanadium as vanadate"was accepted for the presentation in the
"Seventh international conference on sensors and actuators" held
in Yokohama, Japan in August 1993.