The growth in size and complexity of power systems has resulted in a trend towards multi-winding power-
With this has arisen the problem of operating these transformers in parallel with two-circuit or other multi-circuit transformers. Multi-circuit transformers show peculiar characteristics this to
the interlinked magnetic circuit of various windings and this presents special problems in their operation.
So far no attempt seems to have been made to study the behaviour of three-circuit transformers when -operating in parallel and to lay down conditions for their satisfactory operation. On the suggestion of Shri D.R. Kohii, *E.E., Deptt.. of Electrical Engineering, Roorkee University, this topic was therefore, selected for etudy,. In this dissertation, a general study has been made of the performance of three-circuit trans-formera when operating in parallel and certain conclusions arrived at. The conditions which must be satisfied for their satisfactory operation and the methods that can be adopted, to operate three-circuit transformers in parallel successfully and economically have been indicated.
I wish to express my deep sense of gratitude to Shri
D.R. Kohli for his initiating this topic for study, and the
active support, ever available guidance and invaluable suggestions offered by him during the course of these studies and in review-ing the manuscript. I am also indebted to the staff of Electrical Engineering Department, Roorkee