The circuit layout problem is an important facet of physical design of electrical circuits as the cost, perfor-mance, maintenance and reliability of any electronic circuit also depend on the placement of circuit components on the printed circuit board. The partitioning and layout of printed circuit boards is a very important phase in making a good physical design of an electronic system.
In this dissertation methods have been developed to obtain optimal component placement on double and multilayer printed circuit boards. The component placement is obtained such that the design avoids the congested area, excess cross-overs or holes, long etches, strong capacitance, temperature rise of components due to thermal coupling and improves the reliability of the circuit. An efficient iterative algorithm based on sensitivity analysis iS presented to achieve optimal placement of circuit components (similar or dissimilar in size). A technique for obtaining a good initial placement of components is also developed. The formulation of via assign-ment problem for multi; ayer printed circuit board has been dealt with and a refined heuristic algorithm is developed for its solution.