With the advancement of digital computer technology the microprocessor based systems are being used in nearly all the w=~.lks of life. Their usage is wide spread, from house—hold gadgets to sophisticated missiles. Advent of microprocessor based system in the field of operation research is not new. The main objectives of this disserta-
tion is to acquire the complete understanding of the Micro
Development System and to develop the SET POINT GENERATOR.
Microprocessor based Set Point Generator was a
natural choise of the practical system selected for deve-lopment because of necessity of testing the reliability of equipments and components in Environmental Test Chamber before actually using them. The Department of Electrical Engineering has acquired the Environmental Test Chamber recently where the Set Point Generator are through
hardwired logic.
The basic unit used was an Intel's 8085; based,
AM02 Mich-) Development System, it brief descripti-)n of
Micro Development System. is given in Chapter — 1. Chapter -2 deals the digital to analog conversion along with DAC-08 Card.
Chapter — 3 deals with SET POINT GENERATOR character-istics and its field of application. Finally Soft Ware
Development is given in Chapter — 4 along with all necessary subroutines. Experimentations, Description, Conclusion and Suggestions are given in last Chapter — 5.