The dissertation describes the design, analysis and experimental studies of a 4—quadrant, variable — speed d.c. drive fed from a single phase dual converter -the d.c. motor field is seperately excited.
The various conventional schemes of adjustable speed d.c. drive are given in introduction. Different types of converters available are also described in the same chapter. Chapter 2 concerns the literature review in which the present status specifically in the field of dual converter controlled d.c. drive has been described. The basic dual converter and its types are discussed in chapter 3. The necessity of closed -loop control and description of the system designed in the present work are given in chapter 4. Chapter 5 deals with the mathematical model of the drive system and the state model of the system. The system design has been described in chap-ter 6. Experimental and theoretical results are compared in chapter 7. Conclusion and scope for further work are given in chapter 8. In appendix 'A', the parameter plane synthesis method and frequency scanning technique have been discussed. The measurement of d.c. motor constants and transducers gain have been given in appendix 'B'. The appendix 'C' deals with the discription of various chips. A listing of all computer programmes has been given in appendix !D',