Preventive maintenance is required for all generating equipments in order to reduce the chances of power shortages and improve the overall availability of the system capacity, Power companies spend a lot of money every year for this purpose, The system reliability and operating costs of an electric power system are affected, wh~n the generating units of the system are taken out for maintenance purpose, Carefully optimized maintenance schedules could potentially defer some capital expenditure for new plants in times of tightening the reserve margins and allow the critical maintenance work to be performed which might not otherwise be done, Therefore, maintenance scheduling is a significant part of the overall operations scheduling problem,
In this thesis, a method of maintenance scheduling for two interconnected power system is proposed which optimizes the expected savings due to energy interchanges, Random failures of generabing units and their effect on the incremen-tal cost of energy production is considered, Further a fast method of convolution of machines outages with the system' s incremental costs for different loads is proposed, which is computationally fast, A computer programme has also been developed for the implementation of the proposed method,
The method has been applied to an interconnected system which has one fictitious system of 4100 MW connected to a modi-
fied IEEE Reliability Test System of 34Q0 MW capacity, The results for various maintenance schedules for different system loads are obtained,