This dissertation reports the design and development of concurrent dual-band wireless transceiver for 2.4/5.2 GHz wireless applications. Design issues related to front end elements such as Low noise amplifier (LNA), antenna, power combiner, and band pass filters are discussed in details. Simulated gain and noise figure of low noise amplifier reported in this thesis is 11.72dB & 0.3 dB at 2.44 GHz and 6.92dB & 0.46 dB and 5.25 GHz respectively. The measured bandwidth of microstrip based monopole antenna having Omni-directional radiation pattern are: 950MHz at 2.4 GHz and 720 MHz at 5.2 GHz bands. The other designed components are dual band power combiner and band pass filters. The designed front end elements meet the requirements of concurrent dual band system. Concurrent dual band transmitter characteristics were ' measured in the laboratory with the help of indigenously designed components along with available power amplifier, mixer and synthesizer.