Among the many new techniques which have become of significance in applications beyond the laboratory is the INPRARJD technique. The term infrared is genera .ly applied to devices which depends for their basic information upon the electromagnetic energy of wavelength between 0.7 and 1000 um, which is reflected from, absorbed by, or emitted by objects of interest.
The present dissertation is a critical review to the infrared theory and its applications. Different types of infrared sources, targets and backgrounds are discussed; fundamental physics and optics are discussed; this discussion leads to the design of basic infrared instruments and systems. The choice of detectors is one of the most critical part of infrared instrument or system. Characteristics and applica-tions of various types of detectors; thermal type, quantum type and nohconveltional types, are discussed.
An analyser for infrared detectors hag, developed which has got three major advantaGes : firstly, no additional pre-amplifier is required from outside; secondly, it can measure cell resistance from j0& to 1 MIL ; and thirdly, it is very inexpensive as the costly wave analyser has been replaced with a built In electronic filter.