Optimisation principles Pre of undisputed importance in modirn design and system operation. Here in this dissertation, Regulatory tschni-que has been used to solve the problem end in designing a practical p-2. -d controller.
To start with different controllers end various modes of their operation have been considered. Comparitive study of different controllers hertz'- also been discussed.
In the second chapter optimization principles are used for the linear regulatory system , Merits end shortcommings of applications of this theory are also Included. The theory has been applied to design optimal p-i-d controller for the furnace temperrture control.
Optimal settings could also be found-out by using empericel formuleej. I11 such empericel iormulee' which have practical applicability have been discussed in third chapter,
An electronic p-i-d controller
have been designed by using optimal theory. Test results are given. Keeping the experimental tolerances in view practical and theoriticel results were Approximately Same.