The problem of absolute stability and transient response of a D ub3y Exoitsd Synchronous nerator, connected to an infinite bus -bar through luaped .LMC, parameters has been investigated in this dissection. The 8- snd q axis machine fie ids are seeumed to be regulated by AVRS responding to deviations in the machine terminal voltage, current aM load angle nd their first We time derivattveo. The prime mover governor is of a 3 Sexy ter, sensing the variations in the machine load angle # wed and acre larat on,
The effects of certain parameters owl` reactive mens load angle, transmission line capacitive reactance, A time constants$ product of governor time constant and proportionate gain constant at current regulator on the stability region In the parameter plane have been studied*
The d.- dsoompooit on technique to used to obtain the stability regions In the following planes i
too# first and second derivative gain constants of .meat voltage and angle regulator.
This will to a great extent overcome the often encounte-red difficulty of setting the regulator gains at Commissioning stage to ensure the system stability with a prescribed qui' r of the system transient response,
A mimber of simplifying assumptions have been made so that this problem can be conveniently solved making use of the depart mental computer TDC 312 only.