This Dissertation fir* at studying the deyslo sats
in the fi id of solid state tares asters as ri alyb the pertox AMO of the sal. The rrrisw work on the topic gives suffloisnt bs*grouM to unaersts d the trend of dsYrioir.nt In the tired.
$ueeessful attempts were *sde to drvelope ozorgy motors aM two typo of demes motors i..., Integrat g a,
Tog tom,.. "ticient ditsUs have been worked iøorkid out to ask* prototypes of th*se asters.
Mies of the preent nothodi of remote s nsing wad sonitorftig of tariff data help* in plorivg the possibilities of evolving a widely acceptable wst'bod in ftturo
As a result of these studios th. salient feature* and future prospect of solid state tariff voters could be brought into light.Developmentwork undertaken by the author 2* 0 to intsreatir eonoluslons regards the feasibility of the scheme, At the eM suggestions have been sad* fbr Sher work in the field ditch can led the solid state tariff motors towards a better siternative to the conventional type..