the high cost and extraordinary demands m do of modern eyot$as have provoked the development and 1"leve tm attars of saintenr40S polioiøe for stochastioaw fa ling
• zipmrrt#. The practical egad for maintenance policies has oti*ilsted theoretical interest and in many oases has led to the development of policies that possess theoretical xvalt as practical importanoa.
The cin of this dessartation is to find optima,, maintenance policies for s ipmeot subjected to breakdown over load and deterioration* .
Chapter one deals with introduction and Reviewof LitratLrs.
Chapter two introduces optimal maintenance policyr for equipment subject to breakdown or deterioration, Finite time boVison and Infinite time borieon, 'both have been considered and prableas are solved.
Chapter tbrse considers the case of opt t maintenance strategies When changes of states are e+n t rkoviart. Only the oe»tastropio failure of the equipment is considered and the Solution of the problem is obtained.
In chapter tour the maintenance stra egr for a cu*.ativo damage model Is discussed.