dc.description.abstract |
Thu dissertation deals dth the design of Tarlous
types of eectrieal pressurw is $dW3erl (Resistivs,oapaottiv.
inductive and to eloetric) above atospho r5.c pr+ ssur►ffi
d the design of the associated electronic instrumentation
Three types of elect4+rl prenre transducers
(strain gaug.s +teative an4 . 'a' Vis) have bean 4eignd
end d+velop d for measurement of very low s nd reszres
(rap $ 0 to 10 ems, of tor) , A nisasuring instxwaent has
also been developed for use tth the at v traneducors,
'The speci4 fiats of str4n gagotype Is use of
four active strain gauges in the arias of the bridge circuit
In pusb-**3i mode* These games are cemetted to see W+m
beading stress, it is ' sI''wn tId.s method d es ecnsitivtt,
Capacitive type is oemned tth stamen gauge type
by timing tvo additional erode plates one on each side of
the esas diaphragm on r*t ch the stern gds an cemented.
' The special features of LVDT type is develop of
m*it*ture TAVD ` u lt, with niZl cotizpenhssting arrsngeant.
AU three types of transducers ware eperim t4ly
tested and found that the response ware .nom. Pertbrinanoe
ofLTDT type as found to be better then the strain gauge and
capacitive type transducers. |
en_US |