The objective of the present u ork is to inveotigato the offect of magnetic saturation type of nonlincaritios asso-ciatod with electrical machines on the transient response of a machine control system. Contrary to the approaches suggested so far, saturation effect is considered on both gain and time constant.
In the first place block diagrams of an amplidyne voltage regulating system, are developed for the cases (a) when d-axis saturation of amplidyno affects only the d to q axis gain and (b) when. it affects both the gain and field time constant. Next block diagrams of the system are developed including the d.c. machine saturation as well.
The block diagrams developed are used for the study of transient response of the system. The techniques employed are operational mathomgtics, numerical integration and solution of two or more algebraic relationships. The experimental
rocults o'tained'from a practical system are compared with those of analytical methods.