' t s dissertation ecmbodi es the solution of the problem of finding the eat iaftt a of the transient response of a stab. r ,power system consisting of s synOlironous generator connected to zw infinite bus; involving governor and regulator action.
he swing -e;uation. With daaping n4 sF~ sao~ t 'e #1a is fornaul8ted and then It is trans-
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-- sir a into _ et of first order differential equations, as neacl!'for state space .p ~►roa©h. A. Lia ~unov t !notion fraged using Cartwright fe otbod. Sigen va`l ues of a nuabsr of Beet r3 o ens are found out, which Berri
€ an the estimate of upper' and loaner bounds of the time
®oustunte asSeviited with the systes transient response. The concept et these estieutelS is based on ffn4tnX
the saxinum and kmint*us of Where V(x) is the Liapa.nov function and V(X) its -its ederivative With res of to time.
These are oo2ipared with the ixotual
transient -response, obtained by n caertoal notbo.d an 1.020 ilk digital cospater.