MANET refers to a network formed by a group of wireless mobile nodes that can communicate with each other and also mobile at the same time. MANET is an infrastructure-less network in which all the mobile nodes cooperate with each other in routing packets from source node to the destination nodes, in accordance with some routing protocol.
The main goal of this dissertation work is to provide secure energy efficient routing protocol based on trust modeling for mobile ad hoc networks, since the critical limiting factors for a mobile node is its operation time, restricted by battery capacity and trusted third party, the absence of which may result in nodes deviating from the routing protocol for selfish or malicious reasons.
This work addresses both these problems in MANETs by proposing a new robust trust mechanism against route misbehavior attacks over energy efficient AODV routing. The performance of the proposed methodology has been studied on simulated environment using JiST-SWANS with ad hoc network comprising of route misbehavior attacks