dc.description.abstract |
The major-minor priority intersection is by far the most common
intersection layout in current use in India. Intersections are the critical
element of road networks and their characteristics determine the efficiency
and capacity of the entire road network system.
Consideration of methods of estimating effectiveness and levelof-
service of priority intersections shows that despite the considerable
amount of research which has already been completed, the possibility
of effectively designing and efficiently operating such intersections is
still limited, specially under mixed traffic flow as is prevailing in
India. The major factors affecting the performance of an semi-urban
type uncontrolled (priority) intersection have to be analysed quantitati
vely, including parameters such as :
approaching traffic volumes on major and minor roads ,
composition of the approaching traffic,
turning flows on minor roads,
physical and operating characteristics of motorised and non-motori-
% sed vehicles ,
approach widths, turning radii, length of turning paths, angle
of intersection and
crossing times and speeds for different type of vehicles.
The above factors get further multiplied when the prevailing
traffic is of mixed nature, that is, it is mixture of motorised and nonmotorised
veicles. As such the cluster of variables is too large to
be analysed by any simple intuitive approach. Hence the logical and
ultimate choice is adoption of digital simulation techniques looking to
the complexities of mixed traffic behaviour where wide variation in
static and dynamic operating characteristics exists, while sharing the
same right-of-way.
Therefore the scope of this research work has been :
(i) To analyse the mixed traffic vehicular characteristics of major
vehicle types predominantly available on Indian roads with special
reference, to size, approaching and clearing speeds at the inter-
section, composition of traffic and manoeuvring characteristics.
(ii) The analysis has been carried out on 3-leg and 4-leg semi-urban
type uncontrolled (priority) intersections with typical Indian
urban and rural traffic characteristics. The semi-urban inter
sections are essentially located at the outskirts of urban areas.
However , studies have been done on selected representative sites
(iii) Some impoprtant field studies have been designed to be conducted
on the selected sites. The data were collected on these sites
through manual method and video recording techniques (VRT).
This data were utilized for building and validation of the simulation
model. Also they were used as a vital input into the simula
tion model SIMMTRA-345 for analysis of traffic ar uncontrolled
3-leg and 4-leg road intersections.
The digital simulation model SIMMTRA-345 has been developed
in FORTRAN-77 language keeping in view its wide acceptability. The
event-scanning procedure has been incorporated in the model as it best
suits the situation to be simulated.
It has been explained in the experimental programme, that the
simulation programme is also divided in sequential steps and then synthesised
to obtain logical and reasonable results of practical, as well as,
theoretical importance. Summarised programme is :
(i) An initial programme to understand the basic flow process at
uncontrolled intersections under mixed traffic flow.
(ii) The flow variables are analysed with special reference to timeheadway,
intersection clearing timings, approaching and clearing
speeds of different type of vehicles, gap acceptance behaviour,
approach width and intersection angle.
(iii) Mathematical models and statistical distribution synthesising
the above results have been derived and built into a digital
simulation model 'SIMMTRA-3451.
(iv) The delays caused to minor road vehicles, are considered to
be the measure of performance to establish the level-of-traffic
quality at intersection proper.
(v) The concept of vehicular interactions under different traffic
and roadway conditions is successfully exploited to obtain the
various relationship between input and output parameters.
(vi) The simulation software is run on HP-9600 computer system and
the results obtained were validated.
(vii) The simulation programme is dynamic in its behaviour and elastic,
responsive, and sensitive towards static and dynamic character
istics of the vehicles considered in the study, approach traffic
volumes approach traffic compositions and proportion of turning
(viii) The composition and conflict factors developed in the present
study are based on simulated delays.
(ix) The new equivalent passenger car values developed for the diff
erent of vehicles exclusively for uncontrolled intersections under
mixed traffic flow vary depending upon the proportion of conflic
ting traffic and non-motorised vehicles in the approaching traffic
volumes .
(x) The established four levels-of-service are based on the simulated
average delay to which the minor road vehicles are subjected.
The results of the digital simulation model SIMMTRA-345 provide
better and clear insight into the flow variables of mixed traffic flow
occuring on uncontrolled priority type semi-urban intersections. . The
variables are now availeble in terms of :
(i) Vehicular interactions, time headways between successive vehicles,
time headway between same type of vehicles, total delay and
average delay experienced by all minor road vehicles and the
state of length of queue formed on minor road at any instance
of simulation time.
(ii) It is possible to have the exact information on the minimum
time gap necessary for the different type of vehicles on minor
road for clearing an intersection safely.
(iii) The various relationships established between input and out
put parameters indicate the following results;
the delays increase with increased approach traffic
volumes, which is rather well expected.
the delays increase with increased proportion of conflic
ting traffic and non-motorised traffic
the delays increase with addition of each additional type
of vehicles in the traffic stream.
the delays are affected by approach width and increases
as the approach width decreases.
the delays are marginally affected by angle of inter
section and increase as the angle becomes acute.
left turning vehicles are not subjected to any delay,
except pedestrian crossings .
for the same level-of-service, the delays increase with
addition of each type of vehicle in the traffic stream.
the delay to major road vehicles increases with increased
proportion of conflicting traffic in major road traffic
stream .
Thus it can be conclusively said, that the developed computer
software SIMMTRA-345 is capable of providing an indepth insight into
the operational analysis of uncontrolled priority type intersections
and the work is geographically transferable in view of parameters incor(
porated into the model. It may be further added that while the model
is applicable to relatively homogeneous traffic also, the work for homo
geneous traffic flow is not applicable to the situation analysis herein. |
en_US |